Are you in an NVZ?
Under SMR1 of the 2015 Basic Payment Scheme rules if you are in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone then you need to keep FIVE years worth of...
NVZ's - what you need for Cross Compliance
If your farm is within the 60% of the country (click this link to check
CAP Reform Basic Payment Scheme 2015
So after much publicity over a failing Rural Payments Agency (RPA) website to handle Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) applications online for...
Testing times
Hurry! For a limited time (until 31st March 2015) our Broad Spectrum soil analysis is on offer at just £18 per field for fields below 5...
Spring is springing
Soil temperatures are rising and that means that not only will the grass and crops see a period of growth, but also weeds. Now is the...