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​​Our Services

​With experience in many sectors of agriculture and countryside management we can offer you a whole range of services. If you can't see what you are looking for please get in touch and if we don't do it we'll know someone who does!

Consultancy Services

- Farm Assurance and Compliance advice and bespoke pre auditing service to have you audit ready and reduce the incidences of non compliances and penalties

- Dairy specialist advice and consultancy on housing, environment, parlour issues, slurry management and carbon footprinting

- NVZ guidance and planning

- Nutrient and manure/slurry management planning

- Nutrient management and integrated pest management plans for Environmental Land Management schemes

- Agricultural Land Classification reports

- Government grant and scheme advice and planning

- General advice and support to agricultural business and industry on a range of issue

Soil Sampling

- Basic pH

- Basic Nutrients: pH, P, K, Mg

- Organic Matter/Total Carbon

- Broad Spectrum: Ph, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Na, Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mo, B ,CEC

- Soil Mineral Nitrogen (SMN): NO3, NH2, Available N kg/ha


Forage Sampling

- Feed value Grass Silage, Maize Silage, Fresh Grass, Hay/Haylage:

DM, pH, D-value, NH2, ME, Sugars, CP, Ash, NDF


Slurry/Waste Sampling

- Basic Slurry/Manure/Waste: Total N, P, K, Mg, DM

- Complete Slurry/Manure/Waste: Total N, P, K, Mg, DM, pH, Cu, Zn, S, Ca, Available N


Environmental Sampling

- Full Environmental Soil: pH, soil texture, EC, DM, Average N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Se, Mn, Mo, B, Cu, Zn, Hg, Cr, Cd, As, Ni, Pb

- Full Environmental Waste: pH, EC, Total N, P, K, Mg, DM, Ca, S, Zn, Mo, Cu, Se, Pb, Ni, Cd, Cr, As, Hg, Average N, Na, NV


Research Services to Industry

- Expert opinion on land classification and matters

- Waste recycling expert knowledge

- Waste deployment

- Environmental effects of development

- Remediation of soils

- Solar farm issues

- Environmental sustainability


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